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Expert advice for the one billion hacked in Yahoo mega data breach

A catastrophic case of déjà vu for Yahoo, as a second mega data breach is disclosed by the company. This one is even worse – with one billion user accounts reportedly compromised in what has become the biggest data breach of all time.

‘Unfathomable’ and ‘unprecedented’ are just some of the adjectives being used by security pros today, having woken up to the news this morning of asecond Yahoo mega data breach.

This latest Yahoo mega data breach, combined with the already disclosed 2014 breach, takes the number of compromised accounts up to 1.5 billion – so what should those 1.5 billion do in the aftermath of this latest breach?

Take extra precautions

Jacob Ginsberg, Senior Director at Echoworx

The size of this breach is quite unprecedented. What makes it even more disturbing is the fact that it went unnoticed at Yahoo! People – and by people I think we can all agree we mean the average person and not just the “tech savvy” – need to take extra precautions and need to be taking their online security into their own hands. Perhaps if Yahoo! had spent more of their development efforts on security and less effort on developing tools to allow governments to access people’s information, we would not be here – again.

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